
How To Change Root Password For Mysql


MySQL is a popular database management system for spider web application software. Like many web services, MySQL has an administrator-level or root password. The root password allows a user to perform all top-level functions in the database.

If you've never set a root password on your MySQL database, you should be able to connect to it. However, this is not a skilful security practice as anyone can admission your database.

If your database has a root password, only you lost rail of it, this guide will help you reset a MySQL Root password on Linux and Windows.

How to reset or change MySQL root password on Linux or Windows.


  • An existing MySQL database
  • Access to a Linux or Windows server running MySQL
  • Administrator privileges on the computer that hosts the MySQL database
  • A text editor. Notepad is included by default in Window. Vim is installed by default in Linux.
  • Admission to a command-line interface (or terminal)

How to Modify MySQL User Root Password in Linux

Pace 1: Log in every bit the MySQL User

When you kick into your Linux installation, make sure y'all're logged in as the aforementioned user that ordinarily runs MySQL. Although you tin can log in as root, once y'all start the MySQL server, make sure you start information technology with the --user=mysql pick.

Otherwise, the organization may create files endemic by the root user, which can crusade problems.

Step two: Observe the .pid File for the MySQL Service

The next step is to discover the .pid file for the MySQL service.

Most systems store them in /var/lib/mysql/, /var/run/mysqld/, or /usr/local/mysql/information/ path. The filename usually starts with mysqld (or your arrangement's hostname) and ends with the .pid extension.

Footstep iii: Kill the mysqld Process

Before yous create a new root password, stop the MySQL server. To impale the mysqld process, open a control line, and run the following:

          kill `cat /mysql-information-directory/`        

Replace mysql-information-directory/ with the filename you found in the previous step. Ensure to specify the whole path to the file. Also, make sure to utilise the dorsum-tick cardinal (ordinarily above the tab key) and not a unmarried-quote mark in the first of the command.

Step 4: Create the Password File

i. Open your favorite text editor. In this example, we use vim:

          sudo vim        

ii. Adjacent, add together the following line in the file:

          Change USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'NewPassword';        
create a password file for mysql

Deport in mind to include the single-quote marks and the semicolon. Supervene upon NewPasswordwith the password you want to utilize. Finally, make certain to utilise a strong secure countersign, like these examples.

The command volition work for the machine you're currently using. If you're connecting to a different organization, supplant localhostwith the appropriate hostname.

iii. Save the file to habitation/me/mysql-init.

Footstep five: Restart the MySQL Server and Apply the New Password

To apply the changes to the password, restart the MySQL server by running the following command in the final:

          mysqld --init-file=/home/me/mysql-init &        

This launches MySQL, and apply the text-file password alter. Depending on how you beginning your server, you may need to add other options (such as --defaults-file earlier the init command.)

Footstep six: Cleaning Up

Lastly, log into your MySQL server using the root business relationship, and verify the new countersign works. Then, delete the file you created in Step 4.

How to Reset MySQL Root Countersign in Windows

Step one: Cease the MySQL server

one. Brainstorm by checking if you're logged in as an administrator.

2. Press Win+R (concur the Windows/Super key, and press "r".) Once the "Run" box appears type:


3. Click OK.

find-windows services using run

iv. Curl down the list of services to notice the MySQL service. Right-click that entry, then left-click Terminate.

Footstep ii: Launch a Text Editor

Click on the carte du jour and search for Notepad.

Alternatively, you can utilise the path: menu > Windows Accessories > Notepad.

Step iii: Create a New Text File with the Countersign Command

one. Enter the following line into the text editor:

          ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'NewPassword';        

Make certain you lot keep the quote marks and semicolon. Supplant NewPassword with the password of your option.

create a file with password command windows

ii. Use the File > Save As menu to salve the file to the root of your hard bulldoze (C: ). Choose a filename, such as mysql-init.txt.

Consequently, the localhost control makes the password change on your local system. If you're changing the password on a system over the network, substitute the hostname for localhost.

Step iv: Open a Command Prompt

1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc.

2. Then, click on the File menu > Run new task.

iii. Type cmd.exe, and check the box to run as ambassador.

4. Click OK.

Pace 5: Restart the MySQL Server with Your New Config File

1. Navigate to the MySQL directory using the command prompt:

          cd "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin"        

two. Then, enter the following:

          mysqld --init-file=C:\\mysql-init.txt        

Note that at that place are ii slashes afterwards the C: prompt.
Too, if you lot chose a different filename in Step ii, utilize that proper noun later on the double slash.

Step 6: Clean up

At present, you tin log into your MySQL server as root using the new password.

Double-bank check to brand sure it works. If you have unique configuration options (such as launching MySQL with a --defaults-file option), get ahead and do so.

Once MySQL launches, and you've confirmed the password alter, delete the C:\mysql-init.txt file.


After reading this guide, you should be ready toreset the root password on MySQL in Linux and Windows. Granted, information technology is not too challenging, yet it is a secure fashion to change a sensitive countersign.

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